Planning to Sell Your Business One Day + Worried That You Don't Have...

the Right-Sized Small and Mid-Sized Business Intel?

The ShortCut to Selling Your Business...

At the Highest Price and Best Terms Even if You Have

Zero Experience Exiting a Business and Don't Know

What a Good Deal Looks Like

A practical guide to help business owners with aspirations to sell find their target market

and navigate the business sale process from an advisor who is

NOT trying to take a piece of your pie.

“I wish I had your course a year and a half ago.”

I wish I had The Exit Strategy Formula a year and a half ago because it would have helped me through this process from the beginning. There are so many resources for big companies but not one single thing that could help an entrepreneur like myself with our small business venture. It's hard to know where you should start when there is just too much generic content in front of us geared towards larger corporations that aren't like mine. If only someone had told us about this resource sooner.

  • - Confidential Founder of a Consulting Business

selling a business is complex

Let's look at how this typically goes down. Have you seen the stats?

That’s how many business owners plan to exit their businesses in the next 10 years

That’s how much wealth most entrepreneurs have tied up in the value of their businesses

That's how many business sales fall apart in the due diligence phase

When deals fall apart in due diligence (aka the phase of a transaction where a potential buyer reviews the company in detail), that means the entrepreneur (1) found at least one interested buyer, (2) negotiated a preliminary price and terms, but (3) when the buyer pulled back the curtains, what they saw caused them to walk away or negotiate the price down so low the seller lost interest.

If you’ve never sold a business before, will you suffer the same fate?

Getting the highest price and the most secure arrangement

for your business when you sell is complicated.

  • If you've never gone through a transaction before, it’s hard to navigate the business selling process
  • Most information out there is too generic or geared towards big businesses
  • You have to side-step all the advisors that want to take a percentage of your transaction price

It's hard to know where to start and who to trust!

Especially when you're busy running your business,

and aren't even too sure if you want to sell right now or not.


When you’re talking to interested buyers, do you know what questions you SHOULD be asking? Are you missing something crucial? Or are you on the right track?

And if you're like most of my clients before they start working with me, then you probably…

  • Know you need a plan, but who has time to plan when you're busy with day-to-day operations
  • Wonder if your business is THAT attractive to buyers, maybe you shouldn't sell?
  • Tried researching online and found an overwhelming volume of information; at the same time, it's all too general
  • Worry you'll sell yourself short and leave money on the table

After reading that, how much of it applies to you?

Who would want to take the risk?

How are business owners supposed to dial in a professional strategy

that's right-sized for a small to mid-sized business?

If you don't come up with a strategy, then, unfortunately, you run the risk of scrambling to respond to potential buyers, or worse, selling for less than your business is worth.

Or maybe you put off thinking about an exit right now, but keep coming around to musing about all the things you could do if you sold and weren’t running the business anymore.

If you don’t have an offensive plan, you’ll be in reactive mode and sell for less than you should.

You’ll enter into a deal and realize you should have gotten your ducks in a row sooner (financials straight, contracts cleaned up, IP protected).

Or miss the time to sell on an upswing and have to sell at a plateau or at a low just to get out.

We know that if you don’t have a map, it will not end well. Sure there’s always the exception

business that sells out of the blue at a price that exceeds expectations, but that’s not the norm.

If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're wondering:

“How do you account for future growth in the price?”

“What information do I give to a buyer and when?”

“How do I know if an offer that appears generous actually is?”

It’s for all these reasons and more that I’ve put together an EPIC collection of next-level resources, trainings and support. This practical guide is designed to support business owners with aspirations to sell find their target market and navigate the business sale process.

Demystify the business selling process with right-sized intel, from the steps in a transaction to which approach is best, so that business owners with aspirations to sell can confidently negotiate the best deal.

Ensure you're thinking about all the right things

Assemble a winning transaction team

Know What to do when you get an unsolicited offer


Let’s Prepare to Sell Your Business With Confidence With Our New Course

The Exit Strategy Formula

Demystify the business selling process with right-sized intel, from the steps in a transaction to which approach is best

so that you can confidently negotiate the best deal when the time to sell is right

Perfect for Business Owners of All Sizes!

Service-Based • Brick and Morter • Planning to Sell Soon • Aspirations to Sell One Day • Mature Businesses • New Businesses

“I like how the Exit Strategy Formula is focused on small and medium-sized businesses.

When I did some initial searching online a year or so ago, I didn’t find any summary materials like this. The information on the internet was usually much more complex and made for large businesses. I don’t really trust the big evaluation companies because my company is unique. I like how the Exit Strategy Formula is focused on small and medium-sized businesses.

- Confidential Environmental Sciences Business Owner

How Would Your Transaction

Be Different If You Could:


Walk through the entire sales process, from what information you’ll provide to a buyer, when to hire for help and who to hire to close the deal.


Have the right-sized information for small and mid-sized businesses so you can follow a similar process as the pros.


Take the guesswork out of getting the best price for your business and maximize your selling price.


Know how to account for growth or a poor recent year of financial results.


Identify what you’ll look for in a good deal, even if you have no accounting or finance background.


Hear unbiased, independent advice from someone who is not trying to get hired to sell your business.


Get the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are doing everything possible to get the most out of your business before selling.

Watch your business grow, knowing you have an exit plan in place

no matter what the future holds and the confidence that you can

get the best possible deal when the time is right.

“I didn't really think about that until you asked it.”

Instead of someone else telling me what to do, the Exit Strategy Formula gave me a combination of knowledge and guidance. It got me to think about things I’m giving up in order to get this money because I didn't really think about that until you asked it, and becoming self-aware increases my confidence.

- Confidential Founder of a Business with EBITDA in the $1 to $2 million range



Module 1: Plan with the end in mind

find your target market and navigate the business sale process!

The Exit Strategy Formula is a framework that considers the current market conditions, your personal goals, and your financial situation to help you make the best decision about when to sell your business. This practical guide will help you to understand the best time for YOU to sell based on YOUR unique circumstances.

  • Come away with an assessment of your business's value from an investor's perspective!
  • Know what information to provide to an interested buyer first, and at subsequent meetings.



Module 2: Optimize for Maximum Payoff

get the best possible deal by starting the process early!

Making the most of your business by maximizing its value is key to a successful transaction. And waiting to optimize your business when it’s time to sell is a mistake. This module will teach you how pricing a company in advance can lead investors toward buying your interest at the highest price, which means more money for YOU!

  • Come away with a strategic plan to increase the value of your company!
  • Learn how you can make your business more attractive to buyers.

Module 3: position for a Successful Exit

How to maximize your return, whether you sell or not!

The Is Now the Right Time to Sell Assessment can help determine if now is a good time to sell your business. This assessment will consider all the factors involved in selling, such as your personal goals and financial situation, among others; this includes current market conditions too! We’ll give you the Who to Talk to Guide for Business Owners Who Don’t Think They Know Any Experts or Their Business Is Too Small.

  • Weigh your goals against the conditions that make for a successful exit.
  • Learn who you need (and need not) to have on your transaction team.


inside intel

Bonus: How Not to Sell Your Business

common myths & mistakes according to transaction lawyers & entrepreneurs who have sold before!

Side-stepping the pitfalls of selling a business is easier said than done. But with this training, you'll know what to watch out for and avoid so that your transaction can go off with the least amount of hassle, delay and flaws! Learn common mistakes to avoid, and be ahead of the game and years ahead of where you are now.

bonus: Private Podcast Feed

Get to the intel faster + listen on the go!

Why not get a headstart by listening to the audio version of The Exit Strategy Formula right now? The audio version allows short on-time listeners complete flexibility - listen while travelling and then return to the learning platform when more free time is available to digest the videos and use the workbooks fully.



Your Roadmap to a Successful Business Sale

The Exit Strategy Formula

Demystify the business selling process with right-sized intel, from the steps in a transaction

to which approach is best, so that you can confidently negotiate

the best deal when the time to sell is right.













3 Core Training Modules $497


The Value Scorecard $97


The Exit Checklist $97

Who To Talk To Guide $97





BONUS How Not To Sell Your Business Series $197

BONUS Private Podcast Feed $197

Total Value = $1,476

Today’s Price = $197

“I loved the Value Scorecard; it gave me a better understanding of the bigger picture.”

The Exit Strategy Formula helped me step back and say, “What is the environment for my company? How does a potential buyer view my company as an investment?” I loved the Value Scorecard; it gave me a better understanding of the bigger picture. And it helped me get clear on what I really want, why I want to sell and what I’m looking for.

- Confidential Founder of a Business With Revenues in the $5 Million to $10 Million Range



When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason… and I mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into getting comfortable with valuing a business, simply email us at julia@juliakwinter.com. And we’ll gladly refund your entire investment… no questions asked!

Heck! We’ll even let you keep the program! This means there is no downside to this opportunity.

but don't wait...

How to let potential buyers know you're selling

How to make your business look as attractive as possible to a buyer

Pros and cons

of hiring a business


How to navigate the process without your employees finding out

get 'in the know' now

Your chance to get ahead of an unsolicited offer is now. Waiting on this intel increases your chances of making an avoidable misstep.

Only you can decide if now is the right time to sell, but The Exit Strategy Formula can help you make that decision.

The small investment in The Exit Strategy Formula will ensure you’re not going to make a rookie move you could easily side-step!

Don't make the mistake of selling your business without a plan. Get The Exit Strategy Formula and take the guesswork out of selling your business! Click the button below to join now.

take the guesswork out of selling

Grab the Ultimate Shortcut!

The Exit Strategy Formula

Demystify the business selling process with right-sized intel,

from the steps in a transaction to which approach is best,

so that you can confidently negotiate the best deal when the time to sell is right.


The Exit Strategy Playbook

The Value Scorecard



Who To Talk To Guide







3 Core Training Modules $497

The Exit Strategy Playbook $197

The Value Scorecard $97


The Exit Checklist $97

Who To Talk To Guide $97

How Not To Sell Your Business Series

Private Podcast Feed



BONUS How Not To Sell Your Business Series $197

BONUS Private Podcast Feed $197

Total Value = $1,476

Today’s Price = $197

“The examples in the workbooks were helpful as reference points for my business.”

The Exit Strategy Formula is full of simple but critical points. I like how you repeat just enough of the material throughout the videos and summarize what is contained in each lesson at the start. I also appreciated how each class was under 10 minutes as I didn’t want it to take too much time. The examples in the workbooks were helpful as reference points for my business.

- Confidential Founder of Business with 4 Employees


Have any questions?

I don't plan to sell my business right away,

will this course work for me?

The best time to take this course is well in advance of any potential transaction. Here's the thing, we usually advise our clients that they need 3 to 5 years to prepare for an exit event. But people rarely know when exactly they will sell or when they’ll find an attractive opportunity to buy. The sooner you know this information, the better.

What if I'm not a numbers person,

will this still be useful for me?

There are a couple of things you do not need in this course: you do not need a lot of time, and you do not need an accounting background. We are sticking to the BIG picture, the steps that have a big impact. If there's any technical jargon you're unfamiliar with, we have a "no question is too stupid" answer vault. And the more you let the finance lingo wash over you, the more comfortable you'll be when you hear it again.

What's the format of the course?

The course materials are shared as video content, and most lessons are in the 5 to 10-minute range to keep them digestible. There are also fillable, customizable worksheets and printable PDF guides and workbooks.

how much time will this require?

That’s ultimately up to you and your timeline, as it’s entirely self-paced. There are roughly 2 hours of bite-sized videos, examples, exercises and reference worksheets. Depending on your timeline, the course can be done in as little as a weekend. If you have an imminent transaction, give me a few hours over a couple of days, and you will walk away with an understanding of how to get the best deal for your company! The audio version delivered as a private podcast will help you get a jump-start on the material.

What if i decide this isn't for me?

We have a 30-day, no-risk, money-back guarantee. Try the program in its entirety, and if you do not like your results at the end of the 30 days, we will give you a full refund of your purchase. Please get in touch with us at julia@juliakwinter.com.

Are you ready to dive in?

Hi, my name is Julia

I am a CPA and business valuation expert. I spent most of my nearly 20-year financial consulting career putting values on businesses.

Now that I work in-house as a CFO for a Family Office, I can offer The Exit Strategy Formula, the introductory program my clients wished they'd had when they first started thinking about selling.

I have helped dozens of small and medium-sized business owners navigate the biggest transaction of their lives.

After using The Exit Strategy Formula, business owners clearly understand the selling process and how to get the best price for their businesses. They know what to look for in a good deal and how the process works.

If you are thinking about selling your business or have already begun the process, The Exit Strategy Formula can help. Seize the moment and be confident that you'll know what buyers are looking for and how to get the best possible deal for your business with The Exit Strategy Formula.

unbiased, independent advice

Grab the Ultimate Shortcut!

The Exit Strategy Formula

Demystify the business selling process with right-sized intel, from the steps in a transaction

to which approach is best, so that you can confidently negotiate

the best deal when the time to sell is right.

3 Core Training Modules

The Exit Strategy Playbook

The Value Scorecard

'Is Now the Right Time?' Assessment

The Exit Checklist

Who To Talk To Guide







3 Core Training Modules $497

The Exit Strategy Playbook $197

The Value Scorecard $97


The Exit Checklist $97

Who To Talk To Guide $97

How Not To Sell Your Business Series

Private Podcast Feed



BONUS How Not To Sell Your Business Series $197

BONUS Private Podcast Feed $197

Total Value = $1,476

Today’s Price = $197

© 2022 Julia Kwinter. All Rights Reserved.